NDD Execution
Deep liquidity, the best prices and super-fast, accurate execution. What more could you want?
Trade at lightning speed!
Trade at lightning speed! Most orders are executed in less than 10 ms. That's only 0.010 seconds!
We publish statistics on positive and negative order slippage.
Over 90% of market orders were filled at the requested price or better!
We are trusted by thousand of traders all over the world!
E-MCFX has over 150,000 trading accounts worldwide.
More than
Orders executed today
for 150 000 traders
Discover the benefits of E-MCFX
Our PRO execution method
Non-Dealing Execution (NDD)
We execute your orders without dealing desk intervention*, ensuring transparency and fairness.
STP technology
Although we use STP technologies, our execution method remains NDD, reflecting our commitment to fair order execution.
Minimal risk
With internal order matching and risk management, we keep intervention to a minimum.

Modern data center and internal aggregator
E-MCFX uses a cutting-edge data centre in LD4 London, strategically placing trading servers for lightning-fast execution. Our proprietary aggregator Quotix, housed in this state-of-the-art centre with instant access to tier-one banks, ensures your trades are executed quickly at the best possible prices, offering unparalleled efficiency.
Ethical Trade
E-MCFX advocates for higher standards of transparency and ethics in the online trading sector. No manipulation, no stop loss hunting, no worries!
Award winning performance
Our many awards are a clear testament to our exceptional work and reflect our commitment to excellence in all we do.